What is a Website & How Does it Work? (Easy Beginner’s Guide)

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The concept of a website can be summarized as a collection of web pages. The term ‘webpage’ refers to an online page that can be viewed by logging into a website using a computer or mobile device.

With the help of the internet, you are currently viewing a web page on fgdvelopment.com called this article.

The following sections provide a definition, a description of how a website works, types, examples, and more. Discover all there is to know about websites by continuing to read!

What is a Website? – Definition

You can create a website by building a ‘site’ on the ‘web’ where you can include information about yourself, your business, or any other topic, and users can access it online. 

This will be easier to understand if we look at an analogy! In the same way that you build a house and live on a physical ‘site’, you build a website on the web where you can store information.

Your website will also have a unique address, called a ‘web address’, just like your house. By providing your website’s web address, internet users will be able to easily find your website and access the information on it.

Technically, a website is a collection of interlinked pages stored on the internet and referred to by a unique address or URL.

Known as web pages, these pages provide information or services from a business or organization. There are various formats in which information can be presented, including text, images, videos, audio, and animation. There are also services like buying or selling products, downloading digital products, etc. 

Web pages, like the one you’re viewing now, are examples. The page is one of several on our website, ‘fgdvelopment.com’. All of these pages can be accessed via the URL ‘www.fgdvelopment.com’, which is arranged under the name ‘fgdvelopment.com’. 

To access a website, all you need is a computer, a smartphone, or any other device with a web browser and an internet connection.

In your device’s web browser, type a web address into the address bar. A home page appears after that, which is the front page of that website. We will discuss the different types of pages on a website below.

What is a Website Used For?

It is the goal of every website on the internet to accomplish a specific task. On their websites, organizations and businesses provide members and customers with information and services. 

Furthermore, websites have become a medium for entertainment, such as playing online games, watching movies, listening to music, etc. 

A similar service is provided by e-commerce websites, which allow us to sell and buy goods online. www.amazon.fr, for example, is one of the top eCommerce companies with a billion-dollar business online.

Types of Websites with Examples

These are some of the most popular types of websites and what they’re used for:

  • Blog website – Provide information on a variety of topics. Example: www.tumblr.com 
  • Entertainment website – Allows you to watch movies and videos, listen to music, play games, and so on. Example: www.youtube.com (free videos of different types like music videos, movies, comedy shows, etc.)
  • News portal – Provides readers with the latest news on the world situation. For Example, www.bcc.com (a news site featuring news on health, world politics, sports, culture, future, etc.)
  • Membership site – Members can access premium content if they are registered or paid. Example: www.netflix.com (a video and movies streaming site where only paid members can access them).
  • Social media site – Provide users with the opportunity to engage with one another and interact. Example: www.facebook.com (a social network site where people can connect, communicate and share ideas with one another).
  • Education website – Sites that provide information about various courses available or offer online learning materials for schools, universities, or independent academic organizations. Example: www.yale.edu (website of Yale University which provides information about various undergraduate and graduate programs, admission procedures, and also offers some online courses).
  • Government website – Provides a wide range of information and services as well as saves time. Example: www.USA.gov (the official website of the United States government which includes information on various government programs like health, education, passports, etc.).
  • Search engine site – Provide users with an easy way to search the web and find what they are looking for. Example: www.google.com (the most popular search engine website).

Which are the Top Websites on the Internet?

  • www.Google.com – around 87 billion visitors per month
  • www.YouTube.com – around 23 billion visitors per month
  • www.Facebook.com – around 20 billion visitors per month
  • www.Wikipedia.org – around 14 billion visitors per month
  • www.Yahoo.co.jo – around 5 billion visitors per month
  • www.Amazon.com – around 4.5 billion visitors per month
  • www.Instagram.com – around 4.5 billion visitors per month

How Does a Website Work?

Essentially, a website is built via software or code. However, it works only when it is combined with powerful inventions. These technologies allow content to be created on remote computers to be accessed by people around the world.

As a first step, let’s discuss the web and the internet that provide a platform for websites. In most cases, people use these terms interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two.

  • Internet – Information can be shared through this technology or infrastructure, which connects computers worldwide.
  • World Wide Web (or Web) – An internet-based system for sharing information.

In other words, a website is a huge collection of digital documents, websites, web pages, media, etc. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc., are some of the web browsers you can use to access them.

Specifically, the web is one of the ways you can share information via the internet. Additionally, you can send e-mail, use instant messaging, or upload files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

Briefly, the internet and the web are the fundamental technologies that support websites.

Website Software, Domain, and Hosting for Websites

Following are the three technologies you need to understand: 

  • Website Software/ Code
  • Domain Name 
  • Web Hosting

In the first place, a website consists of code in programming languages. The most common programming languages are HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), etc.

Nevertheless, most websites nowadays are built with content management systems like WordPress, and Joomla, or even hosted website builders like Wix, Jimdo, and HubSpot.

Although these platforms require coding, you don’t necessarily have to know how to code to use them. They offer an easy-to-use interface for non-coders and allow anyone to build a website.

The next step is to purchase a domain name and host your website. It’s essential to have these 2 things when creating a website. In order for a website to work, these two things need to be in sync. 

Domain names can be thought of as the names of your website in simple terms. To get a unique web address for your website, you must register your domain name.

Thus, every website on the internet has a web address that identifies its location. You can find out information about a website by entering its web address on your web browser. When you enter the web address into the browser, the browser navigates through the web, finds the requested page, and displays it for you. 

Hosting plays a crucial role in this process. A web hosting service is a location that stores files and content for your website. 

Web hosts and servers are also known as hosting services. In other words, they are special computers located in remote locations. Their memory is very large, and their processors are very powerful.

How do Websites Process Information and Serve Users?

In the background, the web browser searches for a particular website on the server where it is located whenever you type in a web address.

As a result, the web browser fetches website files from that server and formats them into a pleasant web page, which is displayed when the browser is launched.

Website vs Web Pages – What’s the Difference?

According to the definition above, a website is a collection of interconnected web pages under one domain name. Unlike web pages, which are individual pages on a website.

Multiple pages are usually included on a website. Here are some examples of common webpages:

  • Home page – It’s the first page that appears when your computer types the domain name of a website. There is a general description of what the website is about as well as a list of the services that it offers. More detailed information can be found on internal pages linked from the home page.
  • Contact page – There is usually a contact page on most websites. There is a contact form on the site that users can use to communicate with the site’s owner. You may also find contact information there.
  • About us page – It contains general information about the person, company, or organization responsible for managing the website. Moreover, it may provide information about the organization’s history or timeline.
  • Blog – On this page, you will find a list of the most recent articles or news published on the website. In contrast, some websites are fully functional blogs. In the following section, we will explain the differences between a blog and a website.

Services, portfolios, galleries, testimonials, etc., can also be found on other pages.

The fact that some websites may only have one web page should be noted. One-page websites or single-page websites are such websites.

What is a Blog? How does it Differ From a Website?

A blog is a website that provides information about a variety of topics. Posts on a blog are referred to as “blog posts”. Generally, newer posts appear at the top of the blog.

Through their posts, blogs may provide general information, experience, reviews, criticisms, suggestions, or reactions. In this way, the reader can gain a better understanding of what the author is trying to convey.

Bloggers began blogging as a diary to share their daily lives in the early days. Blogging has become popular over time for sharing ideas on various topics, such as education, health care, business, fitness, technology, and motivation.

It seems some people find it difficult to distinguish between blogs and websites. Blogs and websites differ in a number of ways.

A blog is only one type of website. The purpose of a blog is to provide information on a variety of topics. Therefore, blogs are a subset of websites.

Dynamic is the best way to describe blogs. Frequently updated content means they are regularly updated. As well as adding comments, users can interact with each other. Alternatively, websites can be either static or dynamic in nature (explained next).

A blog can be a small part of a larger website. Many large websites include blogs as part of their content. A website with a blog page, for example, educates users about the products and services of the company. 

Static vs. Dynamic Websites

Based on the ability of users to interact with a website, there are mainly two types.

  • Static Websites 
  • Dynamic Websites.

Static websites have fixed information and display the same content every time. Dynamic websites, on the other hand, can change the content of their web pages as visitors interact with them.

A dynamic website is, for instance, Amazon.fr, an eCommerce site. On this site, you can browse products, add items to your cart, checkout, and purchase items. Throughout each page, you will see different designs.

The web pages of dynamic websites can be updated according to the behavior of the users. Users can engage with the database through its use. It is possible to add and remove components from a web page database.

In static websites, only information is presented on a few fixed pages, and there is no interaction with the site. Examples of static websites include brochures, portfolios, and informational sites.

HTML and CSS are the main coding languages used to build them. PHP, on the other hand, is a more complex programming language that is required for dynamic websites.

A website builder, however, allows you to create either static or dynamic websites without writing any code.

Do You Need a Website for Your Business?

Today, it is super important for your business to have a website, no matter what size it is. It goes without saying that most of us do our research online before making a purchase.

In the event that you do not have a website, how are people going to find out about the products you offer?

The following are the main reasons why you need a website for your business:

  • Increase in Reach: By building a website, you will be able to reach out to more people who may be interested in buying your product.
  • Online Presence: With it, your customers can find you from anywhere and at any time. Then you won’t lose customers to your competitors by being online at all times.
  • Increases Credibility: Your business becomes more professional when it has an online presence. You will gain more trust from your customers as a result.
  • Market Expansion: Visitors from all over the world can access your website. In this way, you may be able to meet potential clients from around the world.
  • Cost-Effective: The cost of running an eCommerce site can be much lower than the cost of running an actual store. It reduces the cost of operating, wages, utilities, etc. Your product prices will decrease and your sales will increase as a result of reducing such overhead costs.
  • Customer Interaction: You can easily reach your customers online, answer questions, and receive feedback. In order to improve your products, you need to communicate with your users. Your sales will eventually grow as a result.

How to Start a New Website?

You may now want to establish a website for your business now that you are aware of its importance. Website design is probably not something you know anything about. 

In order to make a website, you need to learn codes that require months of practice and experience. It’s probably not something you’d like to learn.

Alternatively, you can hire a web development company or a developer to create it for you. However, you’ll have to pay a lot of money to avoid learning the codes yourself. 

Nowadays, there are many beginner-friendly website platforms available, such as WordPress. With them, you can create websites much more easily and at a lower cost. 

WordPress.com, for example, allows you to create a website in just a few clicks by signing up, selecting your favorite theme, and adding content.  It is possible to make a free website using WordPress.com, as it is a fully hosted platform.

You’ll need a hosting account if you want to create a site with self-hosted WordPress (WordPress.org).


All right, that’s all for now. Hopefully, this article gave you a better understanding of what a website is, how it works, its types, and uses, as well as how you can get one for your business. Let us know how your site is performing if you already have one. 

If you’re not familiar with the difference between a web site and a website, you may find it confusing. In both cases, they mean the same thing. In some cases, you may find that you are the only one to write a “site.”. This also refers to the website itself. It’s not worth your time, so don’t waste it.

A good site builder can help you build your own website right away if you want to.

Thanks for reading
